Today is Headbanger Wednesday and Tom has chosen this weeks theme of Sunrise or Sunset.
Stewart is still away on his cruise to the Med. So I bet he will be seeing lots of sunrises and sunsets, as he chugs along on his ocean liner.
I'm showing a sunset, as I'm no early riser. Definitely an owl, rather than a lark.
I took this from our front garden, and I like the way the other houses and trees are all in silhouette. And a vapour trail and jet flying high above me. Possibly the last flight of the day from East Midlands Airport. I wonder where it is bound for?
Please click on the links to see how the rest of the gang (except Stewart) have interpreted the theme this week. Also enjoy this rendition of a classic song from the 1960s.
I've been off work this week and so haven't taken any photos, as I've been busy doing some gardening and pottering around the house. Ideally we should have gone on holiday somewhere as it's been really sunny and hot, but instead we've had a 'staycation' and haven't gone anywhere.
So I've been digging in my archive for pictures. Like this one of Wollaton Hall. Many people will now know this as Wayne Manor, as it was used in the filming last year for the new Batman movie - The Dark Knight Rises.
Chris: Interesting look at your busy skyline with the evening color.