The clocks went on by an hour early this morning. Alas this meant sixty minutes less in bed. It was worth waking up though, as it was a glorious sunny day. It's the end of March, but it felt like it was the middle of June.
Ideally we should have gone out for the day somewhere for a picnic and an opportunity to take some more photos. But Gail had a few domestic jobs that needed doing, so I started digging out for our new pond. We have a pond already, but it's quite small. So I am going to be making one nearly twice as big, and also in a different position. I will then fill the old hole in and turn that area into a vegetable patch.
That's the plan anyway. So no photo from the seaside or stately home today. Instead here's a shot of some of the daffodils in our garden that are getting a good soaking from the sun's rays.
Let's hope it continues for a good long time.
Lovely jolly photo today - my garden has one daffodil. A tiny one, looking very sad on it's own. I think squirrels have eaten the other bulbs, as i used to have lots of them. So your garden display is very welcome.